Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How Geng Bas Sekolah Ran Over Kucing Hitam

I had my 1st shot at paintball sometime back in August '08. Knowing it being a risky game, excites me and my curiousity outgrew any rasional reasoning left in me...hehehehe....
And so....regardless of the warnings about the injuries that I might inflict upon myself, the 1st game was fun and ended well....therefore..I decided that I love this new game...... Then, it was sumtime in April '09 that we received an email informing about the PPTD Paintball tournament. I wasn't thinkin much about it at that time until about a couple of weeks before the game, I bumped into Kupez, a friend of mine, asking if I'm interested in joining. Dah jumpe kaki...ape lagi....we went searching for 3 other team members la....Few came and went, and finally we got our team together. Azi, one of our team members, came up with a catchy name for our team,'Geng Bas Sekolah'. Ok la tu....kami pun mcm budak sekolah baru blajaq nak main paintball...hehehe...
That weekend kami gi test skill kat Extreme Park Shah Alam.....and Jamal (baju putih, mencangkung tu..)pulak tertembak dan luka kat leher.....cian dia...terus dia cancel plan nak join tournament tu dan risau tahap cipan...sebab dia nak kawin bulan Mei ni....takut bapak mertua marah dia ada hicky kat leher....ahaks...
Introducing...the underdog.....Geng Bas Sekolah....terbayek lah!! Wooohooo....
...haaa...hari tournament tu....ape-ape pun...warm up dulu beb...bagi urat-urat tu longgar sikit...hee....
...yang baju purple tu salah sorang team Kucing Hitam...ehemmm....he happens to be otai dalam game ni k....
....yang baju hitam tu pun salah sorang otai team tu.....dan ada lagi 1 otai yang takde dalam gambo ni....
we didn't play to win...didn't even put any hope on winning anything...we came for fun....no elaborate plans in place....just shoot....and have fun.... ....and avoid getting shot at....
.....with a bit of impromptu strategies...
...and wallaaah!!!....WE ARE THE CHAMPION MY FRIEND (Freddy Mercury may just as well burst to tears in his grave listening to me singing his song for this victory hehehe)....weeeheee.....opppsss...the bus just ran over the black cat...sorry....can't help gloating out loud about it....that was a total surprise to me...to us...so I'm gonna gloat as much as I want and as long as I wish to....hehehehe
whey hey....look at us go.....good job everyone....we will do this again next year alright....

Oh! the lady, 2nd from left is Kupez pregnant wife, Elle...and our manager...this victory is for the baby too....hee....
we got to go home with a big hamper, RM150 cash and each got a trophy....

........the trophy......

....the cash....
...and for me...few bruises on the body and one huge bruise on the thigh....from being shot at.....at close range (which was not supposed to....)but it was all worth it....hehehe....we won...it would have hurt more if we didn't....hik hik hik...

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